This is where I put the stuff I bitched about and just didn't want to say it AGAIN!

Indian Mascots
Seat Belt Laws
Downloading Music
Music Categories
Reality TV
Finding that Mate
Speed Limit Laws
Dealing with Psychics
Legalize Marijuana
Oversensitive People

OK, i'm really looking for a script to make surfing this page easier. For right now. Let me just type in a few thoughts til I find it. Starting with:

Native American Mascots
There are a ton of native american "groups" and active "participants" in the argument that there shouldn't be any sports teams named after indians. First of all, I'm indian, I'm native, I'm apache. I don't give a shit what you call me. I've been called a gentleman and it wasn't used in a respectful way. So it's not what you call me, it's how you use it and how you treat me. Words are only weapons if you allow them to damage you. Now there's the people who like to say "why aren't there other teams named after any other races?.. like wops, dago's, jews?"... simple. Do you honestly believe that way back when they were naming their teams the indians or warriors they were thinking "let's call ourselves something we don't like.".. "yeah, we hate them indians, let's use their names and make fun of them by putting them on our shirts and hats and merchandise so everyone else who hates them, will buy them too".. You know there are other ways to portray a warrior right? There are samurai warriors, but we don't see pictures of those on sweatshirts do we? We see a good old indian. And you know who I see wearing that picture of an indian to the mall? a blonde haired, blue eyed, white girl. Does she know ANYTHING about indian culture? Does she know how they got the name? Does she even care? Nope.. Isn't that what we all want? To not be viewed by our look? And the "commercialized" view of an indian is used as a way to show power, strength and maybe even strike fear into opponents? And ya'll are tellin me that's such a horrible thing? You know those people who bitch about the "tomahawk chop" at braves games? Ask them.. Who INVENTED the chop? Did indians do that? Did indians invent the ohhhh, oh, ohhh oh ohhhhhh... chant? Did they STEAL that from us indians? Think you can find the tribe that can sue for copyright infringement? ummmm... no. we didn't invent THAT. It was a hollywood invention from those dumb ass old cowboys and indians movies with John WAYNE!! Shouldn't we bitch about the movie? no wait.. everyone knows that indians weren't really like that ANYWAY! Since I'm ranting, I think one of the best things we can do as native peoples is stop giving moronic, minor shows of athletic competitiion such FORCE and power. Only WE can make these things more important than they really are. You want to make a difference. Let people know what it's like being indian. Not just OTHER indians. Tell them your first hand experiences about your culture. Most people only know what they read about in books, see on tv or shit they're force fed by the media. We are a strong people. We survived the US governments attempt at genocide. And now we're down to bitchin about some junior high kid wearing a chiefs jersey?!?! At the end, stop being so goddamn sensitive about something corporations do to make money! The only thing than can hurt us, is US! Educating others is a powerful tool, but you can't do that without educating yourself first. And stop being a whiny little bitch.. (do me a favor white people.. stop dressing up like indians, we DID invent that, and you don't know what it means... that's one thing that DOES bother me)

Seat Belt Laws:
I believe that sometimes seat belts save lives. I also believe that regular excercise and a good diet will save your life. The big difference is, we can only enforce ONE as a LAW. Or CAN WE? Sure lil kids who don't know any better should be strapped in for their safety, but that's something a parent does. We should NOT have the government telling us what's GOOD for us. It's a bad trend down a BAD road. I really don't want to start down that Orwellian trip of despair. There is no REASON we should be protected from OURSELVES! If I want to be a dumbass and NOT wear my seat belt, THat should be my right! The right to be a moron. It's what being American is all about.

Downloading Music and File Sharing
Do it MORE, DO it OFTEN! Do it NOW! There were 634 subpeona's issued in the RIAA case of illegal file sharing. 634!! Out of what? 2 BILLION? or better yet, 2,000,000,000. What's the percentage on that? less than a quarter of a half of a half of a percent! and you're SCARED to download music? Does anyone KNOW what a subpeona is? It's an order to APPEAR in court. Which has been recently ruled by a court of appeals to be ILLEGAL! ISP's don't have to give out ANY information and NOBODY has to pay! They didn't LOSE. THey haven't even PROVEN that they broke the law! Artists do NOT make a lot of money from each CD sale. WHen they complain about the money they make, they're talking about pennies per cD. I have no interest in giving someone who's ALREADY rich, MORE money. I know one rich guy, I don't walk up and say "here's 5 dollars". They can complain all they want. I'm not too worried that they'll only have 9 cars instead of ten. PLEASE go get some more music before the lawyers take down another great right of the internet. FIle SHARING. Do it NOW, do HARD! do it TWICE!

Categories of Music
I woke up and saw a video from "Jagged Edge". They stood around each other, singing. Stood back to back.. singin. Had the clouds in the background... singing. And as it has many times before I thought... hmm.. boy band. I don't hate boy bands. Hell I was a fan of Boyz to men when it came out. I loved New Edition. Hated New Kids on the Block. Thought Backstreet Boys WERE the New Kids. Nsync had a song that I liked. B2k I don't like, but Blackstreet was cool. Jagged Edge... feh. Another boy band that should be treated as such. You don't like boy bands? Why not? Music is soft? Well, yeah. Music is boring? Well, sometimes. You can't be considered a band if you don't play an instrument? HELL YES! I'm not anti-boy band. I'm anti label. You can call a group of white boys a boy band, but if you get three or more dancing boys together, it all depends on the color of their skin as the channel they'll be on. White=TRL, Black=BET, Brown=Univision. (hee hee, ok, I'm not sure about that last one but I was running outta colors). If you like the music, listen to it. If you don't, fine, just make sure you know where you're making the distinction. Is it the music? The dancing? Or the color? Is it reverse racism? (by the way.. that's a bullshit term). All that shouldn't be part of your opinion. Unless of course, that's what your opinions are based on. There are country music fans who say that COUNTRY music is no longer THAT. It's become soft pop. So if that ARTIST is country, and another is PoP, who hears them? Certainly not the fan of pop music who says they "hate country".

Reality TV
There are a few fundamental reasons I don't watch Reality TV. First of all, it's not ever CLOSE to reality. You have a camera on these people and you expect them to act REAL? Have you ever been around a bunch of guys or girls and they start talking about the opposite sex? There is NO mercy for the other side. It's just what people do. It's fun and doesn't hurt anyone. I know for a FACT that girls are much more eager to divulge more detailed information. That's fine. The problem is, if you put a CAMERA on them and tell them that everything they say will be broadcast across the WORLD, thier entire personality will change. Hell, it might change for the better, but it's not REAL. If you want reality TV. Throw some HIDDEN cameras in people houses and let's see how REAL people live. How about you stop watching the RICH people and focus on a single mom with 5 kids trying to get child support payments and barely making rent. That's what I call REAL. You think she gives a crap about what people think about her? She's doing the BEST she can and struggling in this REAL world like the rest of us. I know this isn't going to happen because the poor are not entertaining. I know I'm not rich. If there WAS a camera here watching me, you know what It would see. Me on the couch watching South Park and laughing my ass off at every racist joke in there. Reality is not nice. It's not fun. It's not entertaining. It's just life... stop calling it REALITY. that's my big beef with the whole thing. I'd also like to know where they find these attention hungry wastes of skin. I'd love to go on that show just to be REAL and set the record for being kicked off the quickest.

Finding that perfect someone
I know you're thinking. Why is this a rant? What's wrong with wanting to find that one special person? .... well.... let me tell you. Most times when a person meets someone they REALLY like, they tend to act like that person WANTS them to, so they'll be convinced to hang around MORE. You might be thinking now.. so? Well, once they get past that facade they tend to act like themselves again. So everything goes to crap and they have to start all over again. It's a wASTe! I just want people to act like THEMSELVES. ALL the time. If something pisses you off, don't hold it in, SAY, that's not COOL! That kinda bugs me. I'm not saying to be a bitch or an ass. Too many people write off honesty as bitchy. Sometimes, it is.. most times, you just don't agree with them. I don't like when people don't agree with me, because I'm ALWAYS right... at least.. sometimes I am. At least if you act like yourself.. i KNOW where you're coming from. WHen you act like YOURSELF all the time, you're more likely to find someone that WILL put up with the real YOU. I know this is all a load of donkey poo because I'm not married and can't hold on to any girl. But I'm allowed an opinion. Or I just gotcha cuz I wasted 49 seconds of your life reading this. Sorry, snapmouse inc. doesn't offer refunds for getting stupider. while reading his posts.

Speed Limit Laws
Another one that sounds really stupid but let me explain. I do KNOW why we have the limit laws. I understand WHY they exist. I do NOT believe that it's a blanket law that requires a ticket every SINGLE TIME! Let me use this example. Urinating in public is against the law. I don't want to give anyone the right to stop and take a leak on the sidewalk in front of me. HOWEVER, if you're out in the middle of nowhere, there's nobody close, nothing dangerous (like an electric fence), then I have no problem if you drop your stinkies and let loose. If a COP is in the area, you WILL be given a citation for Urinating in PUBLIC. I believe the 'gist' of the law isn't being enforced. Same goes with speed limit laws. If some asshole is speeding 55 thru a school zone, THAT'S dangerous. If he's doing 90 in rush hour heavy traffic, he needs to be stopped. (Congruently the schmuck doing 35 when traffic is moving at 75 us also dangerous). But if I'm out in the middle of NOWHERE and there's nothing but a 2 lane road, clear traffic and a few cows out in the distance, my SPEED isn't hurting anyone. The only danger is to myself if I can't handle my OWN car. Enforcing the law at that time would just be fascist and not in the true MEANING of the law. I USED to believe that police officers would understand this, but I KNOW now that most of them are just making you pay to fulfill some quota. It really has NOTHING to do with my safety or the 'truth' of the why the law was created in the first place. I just want people (not just officers) to understand WHY laws exist and there are TIMES and REASONS they should and shouldn't be enforced.

So-Called Psychics
Punch them in the back of the head. If they were so psychic, they would see it coming right? and why do they advertise the psychic fair? Does a LARGE billboard need to be placed along the freeway? You would think being psychic would be enough. I think it's for us non-psychic people to go to the fair and walk up behind them at their booths for a good old fashioned drop kick to the back of the skull.

I think a lot of the teaching of religoins are great basis for being a decent human being. I also think too many people swallow religion hook, line and sneakers. There are things on this earth that I cannot explain. There are things in this world that I believe are beyond science and reason. I do NOT believe all that is in the bible is FACT. It's a great story and even better lessons. There are plenty of other places to learn where to be a decent person. For some reason, the bible and other 'religous' books are taken as total fact and law. That's where my problem lies. One of my best friends once said, "I believe Jesus Christ pulled off the greatest scam of all time". If you can open your mind enough to accept that it's a possibility, then you might actually see where I'm coming from. An elderly indian man once told me that a preacher wanted him to go his church. He told the preacher, "why must I go into your building on a certain day to speak to my lord?, Why can't I just walk to the top of this hill and pray to him?". There is a higher force, there may even be somoene I need to answer to for my wrongdoings in this world, but FEAR is not going to keep me from doing the right things. It's a sad way to live thinking everything will just be 'provided' to you. Religious people are not bad people, it's the people that tell you that they are RIGHT. And the way of Jesus is LAW, that really is my gripe with religion.

Legalize it
The arguments to keep marijuana illegal are weak. We have to put this on the shelves and tax the shit out of it. Economically speaking, it's a great idea. Chemically speaking, is it worse than Alcohol? Politically speaking, who will this business put OUT of business?

Oversensitive people
They just piss me off.

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