This is Where I put what I thought about Music and Movies I've either just heard or loved forever. . This is NOT movies that came out that month because nobody pays me to bitch about them. I HAVE to pay for my entertainment. Just like you.

Current Movies
May 2004
April 2004
March 2004
February 2004
January 2004

I'm not a critic. I like most movies I see because I TRY To see where the writer or the director was trying to go with it. Most times when I don't like a movie, it's just because I wasn't smart enough to understand it. There are usually 4 ways most people recommend you see a movie. Only my FAVORITE MOVIES Will even come CLOSE to Ten. The ways people say to see a movie are as such.... 1. See it Now! or better yet, SHOULD HAVE seen it right away. (theater), 2.Rent it when you see it available because it's actually damn good and worth your late charge at blockbuster (Rent It), 3. Watchable when it's on TBS/TNT/USA (TV) but not really worth cash, and 4. Don't waste your money or a lazy sunday to see it (U suck). Read on. Remember, I'm an idiot.

May 2004:
The Fighting Temptations [] 5.1 [] TV
I normally like Cuba Gooding in even the most asanine roles, (lightning Jack anyone?). But for some reason this movie tanks. It's full of more pop stars than actual Actors. Beyonce is hot as usual, but there's not a good storyline, the acting reminds me of a school play. I would only recommend this movie to someone who's REALLY bored and need to watch something while they're stuck at home taking oxycontin..

Matchstick Men [] 6.8 [] TV
Sometimes Nicholas Cage does something odd and quirky that I think just rocks. Then he does something like this that's odd and not really that interesting. I admit that there's some good plot twists in there and the comera work is good enough to keep you watching, but this movie just didn't do it for me. To be fair I was recovering from Knee surgery during this one as well.

Insomnia [] 7.4 [] Rent It
Al Pacino plays a master of reading the personality and lies of a person. Supposedly a really smart character and all out Brilliant Detective. Then he talks to Robin Williams Character and just gets verbally abused by him. I just kept waiting for DeNiro to go off and break apart all his little speeches. Never happened, I guess I should've just accepted that he was sleepy and couldn't do it. It just bothered me that even someone as stupid as me could see the logic problems with Robin Williams little arguments. But still a good detective movie. I'll probably keep it.

Training Day [] 6.7 [] TV
Denzel Carries this movie. The writing isn't that great. It's almost a bad news bears version of Colors meets Naughty Cop. There was ONE scene that I really couldn't swallow and there was no real reason for it. Things like that sometimes just ruin a whole flick for me. Most times I let it go. Denzel is the only reason to watch this. And trying to figure out WHY he's acting so crazy is kind of a fun part too. Still think it could have been more of a back story.

A.I. [] 6.9 [] TV
There are a few things about this flick that just REALLY confused me. I'm not sure where the director wanted to go with this, but he seemed to change his mind about 6 times. I wasn't sure if it was the pinnochio thing, the cruelty of humanity, the family loss, the faith of machines or the greed of man. I couldn't tell if the ending was happy or sad. I thought it was depressing. Though, I have to admit, that's one of the tings I liked about it. You'll have to make your own call on this. I'm confused.

April 2004:
Dark City [] 7.0 [] Rent It
I had NEVER heard of this movie before Abby mentioned it. Thanks to her offbeat sense I watched this movie and realized some things from this movie were stolen and re-incorporated into some of my favorite movies. This movie came out YEARS before the Matrix and WAY before the truman show. Yet BOTH seemed to be BASED on ideas from this movie. If you ever get a chance.. rent this movie and accept the blade runner like quality.

25th Hour [] 8.1 [] Rent It
There are some GREAT speeches in this movie. Some movies are action based, some are story based, some rely on the dialogue. The really great movies can incorporate all those types and more into a seamless escape from reality. This one is Dialogue based. The conversations in this flick are real and surreal They're fantasy and hard reality. I enjoyed the diatribes people go off in this one.

Kill Bill [] 8.8 [] Theater
This was one of those movies I heard about coming down the pipeline. I know what it was based on and who the inspirations for it were, and it sounded REALLY cool. Then it hit the theaters.. and nobody wanted to see it with me. didn't want to watch it alone.. so I never saw it in theater. I saw the DVD on Saturday and was really entertained. Probably not the best tarantino movie I've seen, but the story and anime influences made it really freaking cool. I think watching this movie would be a good way to spend a couple hours. It rawked

Identity [] 6.8 [] Rent It
I like when movies push you down a path and you can feel the hand in your back trying to fight the answer your brain is giving you.. then completely takes a different turn. I suggest watching this movie for the first 87 minutes. That's to say, i don't REALLY like the ending. It wasn't bad, just kinda soft. I really like the shift this movie makes. I just wanted it to end with a good mindfuck. Watch it next time you get bored. Not as good as fight club, not as stupid as Dreamcatcher. (a movie I couldn't make it through due to it's sheer dumbassery)

March 2004:
Boat Trip [] 5.2 [] TV
A movie starring Cuba Gooding and Horatio Sans about 2 guys who accidentally get put on a gay cruise. Sounds very... well, gay. This movie is NOT for women to watch. There are almost as many boobies in this movie as Van Wilder and Nerds. ok.. maybe not nerds. But it's party enjoyable. There are actually some funny moments and I didn't realize until about halfway thru the movie that it's basically a remake of Marilyn Monroe's 'Some Like it Hot' . If you feel like watching something ACTUALLY funny, go rent THAT classic. Boat trip has it's moments. But since it's a remake. There's no original thought. For men mostly.

MEMENTO [] 8.9 [] Theater
This movie starts at the end. I read about this flick when it FIRST came out and REALLY wanted to watch it. I FINALLY got to see it. It did NOT let me down. This is probably one of the cooler more inventive movies I've seen since pulp fiction. The acting is funny, strange and confusing. Since it runs backwards, the only mystery is how it all gets started. Really kinda threw me, and that doesn't happen often. Strange thing is, when it's obvious, I never see it coming. But this wasn't.. and I liked it. It's not in theaters anymore, but I think you should sign on to netflix, go to Blockbuster, or rob your friends collection and watch this really cool movie.

THE HULK [] 4.1 [] TV
I have no idea who wrote this storyboards or better yet, the screenplay for this movie but the real culprits of making this a bad movie is the marketing team. In the previews they played hard rock music, showed high intense action sequences and showed the Hulk being Strong and Scary. When you watch the movie, there's nothing happening but the original story of Mr. Incredible Hulk. Although a good story... the details of his existence are POUNDED into your brain. OK, his dad was crazy.. he injected himself (like all good scientists do), he experimented on his son..(again like all good scientists), we get it. Where's the hulk? Is he gonna hulk out? Hulk On? The BEST part of this movie was the comic book editing. Really fun to see the scene changes. But.. that's.... it. ... sorry

THE LIFE OF DAVID GALE [] 7.9 [] Rent It
Kevin Spacey always plays a 'troubled' person. He's damn good at it. This movie is actually very compelling. When you get into it, you immediately start to wonder where it's going. You WANT to know what's going to happen next. The writing is so well done that you hang on every word in each scene because you're TRYING to pick something up that you're missing. I like movies like that. The characters are easy to care about. Kevin Spacey brings a humanity I don't think anyone else could have brought to the role. And as a brooding brillaint professor, he kicks ass. Though I must admit my favorite role of Kevin Spacey leaves me at a close race between Seven and American Beauty. David Gale is definitely worth watching at least once.

FRAILTY [] 7 .5 [] Rent It
I had NEVER heard of this movie. It stars Mathew McConaughey and Bill Paxton in a strange storyline. I'd have to say one of the strangest I've ever heard of. I would LIKE to tell you more about it, but I'd give the whole thing away. It's a great strange ummm... thriller/suspense/mindfuck kind of movie. If you ever see it for rent or someone asks if you want to watch it.. say YES. I thought it was REALLY cool when it was shown to me. I'm surprised I'd never heard of it before.

David Spade is only funny when he rips on someone. It's being a smartass at it's best. Wish I could say you could carry a movie on it... I can't. It wasn't a BAD movie. It was funny sometimes. It was predictable and most of the time it was pepper jack and Cheddar. Just a bit cheesy if ya know what I mean.

This is a movie for literary geeks and readers of big fat books that we all hated in high school and Junior High. The writer of this movie (based on a comic book) had read and re-read EVERY dusty book on the shelf. There are characters from '20,000 Leagues under the Sea', 'Moby Dick', 'Dorian Gray', 'Tom Saywer', 'Allan Quartermain Adventures', 'Dracula' , 'Sherlock Holmes' , 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde', 'The Invisible Man' and more than I've ever read I'm sure. If you've EVER glanced thru these works of literary history, you'll REaLLY enjoy this movie. If you haven't.. well, then you might be bored with the obscure references. There are a ton of things in there that I'm sure I missed. The action is cool. THe storyline is strange but very good. I liked it, but then, I'm one of the few that liked Daredevil because I read the comic book. heh.

SECOND HAND LIONS [] 8.5 [] Theater
WAAAY better than I thought. I was picturing a male version of Steel Magnolias or some deep meaning crap like that. I was WRONG. This movie started off cool. Ran smoothly and kept me genuinely interesting in the old guys it's based on. There are great lines and quotes to take from this movie. This movie adjusted my outlook on life slightly. It's hard to do that with someone as pigheaded and stupid as me. But I REALLY thought it was cool as hell. If you're at the video store and not sure what to get. Pick this up. Make some popcorn or bust some doritos, anc check this one out. It's really worth the money.

50 FIRST DATES [] 6.6 [] TV
Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore... it's umm.. Cute. Nothing REALLY funny. Most funny moments were because of Rob Schneider. Even though he plays a stereotype that's so over the top, it's hard to be offended by it, I still laughed at his character the most.

BOONDOCK SAINTS [] 8.4 [] Theater
Killers, guns, irish and fun. Another cool obscure movie that deserves your saturday afternoon attention. This could really change your outlook on religion. Didn't work with me, but this was a FUN intense movie. The action scenes and plot twists were great fun as well. I WISH I had seen this in the theater.

ROAD TO PERDITION [] 8.1 [] Rent It
This movie is a moving postcard. If you are a fan of HUGE beautiful sets, you will LOVE this movie. The story is good but does Tom Hanks HAVE to take 25 minutes to get thru an emotion? Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie. Much better than that movie Hanks was in with Wilson. Probably one of the most stylized comic book movies I've seen since Unbreakable. But if you made me choose. Unbreakable rules kicks it's ass anyday. I must admit that I like Tommy as a bad guy cold blooded killer for once. It's a nice change of pace.

February 2004
RADIO [] 8.7 [] Theater
One of those movies that makes you believe in the 'human spirit'. Ok, I really have no idea what that means. heh. HOWEVER, Cuba kicks major ass. I don't hand out awards or anything but he does a job like no other in this movie. This is my favorite cuba role since Jerry Mcguire. If you're apt to cry at movies, don't see this. If you're like me and expect that tearjerker shit. You'll be fine. You should watch this movie at least once. The real life stuff is good sometimes.

January 2004:
BIG FISH [] 7.7 [] Rent It
Quirky, Odd and pretty funny. You have to sell yourself into the story. I can understand people with no imagination sitting there going. "this is just stupid". Well, sometimes, but that's the beauty. The fantasy is the best part of the movie. It all depends where you'll let yourself fall into.

RETURN OF THE KING [] 9.8 [] Theater
One of the BEST movies I've EVER seen. Acting was REALLY good. The storyline moved at a good pace. They managed to cover all the plot lines and give a GOOD ending. And the HEROS were great. All good movies have the heros that actually make you CARE about them. Mix that in with a bed-soaking battle, and this was a GREAT movie. It has just made my top ten list of all time.

HOLES [] 4.3 [] TV
Are you SURE this is a disney movie? Theres a strange waiting to this WHOLE movie and you have no idea what it is your waiting for. Just when things look like they're turning around... nothing happens. You have to sit thru this whole flick to get some kind of resolution. It's a bit of a stretch when you finally DO get to the end. They tie it with history and curses and make it a little 'magical'. Mostly I sat thru the movie going... ok.. ummm... yeah... ummmm..... aahhhhh... finally.

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